Thursday, January 2, 2020

January 2, 2020

Read “Ring Out Wild Bells” for the Appalachian Brass concert, I’m told to some effect.

Dreamed I finally met my brother after all these years. He was Sam. Even in the dream I wondered how my brother could be so much younger than me.

Circe rallies to eat tuna and climb the stairs to lie at my feet while I type. Everyone at the party remarked how, sick as she was, she padded out to greet her guests and be made much of.

Dark rain suits the day, for some reason. I have been happy and melancholic at the same time.

Wildly revising.

Looked at the pile of clippings and notices I’d built up through 2019, intending to set them into my scrapbook. Stacked them up and put them in Recycling instead. A burden of vanity off my mind.

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