Saturday, January 18, 2020

January 17, 2020

Closed on this house six years ago today.

I announce the brute fact as my books get published, but I don’t yet have a brief way of saying what I really mean. These are stories I have loved and told over many an hour, bits of creation that I wove into the creation I found around me. They are important to me. Precious to me. Contributions to a thing so large I cannot myself name it. To think the stories would go untold, or at least unshared, was despair. To have them told is joy. I don’t even mind fighting the weirdnesses of the publishers. I don’t mind doing most of the work myself. The One with the Beautiful Necklaces is the most full of stories of all, many so strange I thought they would never be heard. Bless, and bless.

Students: She who was Sarah is now Charlie.

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