Friday, January 17, 2020

January 16, 2020

Christopher Tolkien is dead.

Read in Zach’s office the checklist on what you should be able to do at my age to insure a healthy and independent life. I fall short on every single thing except sleep. I still sleep like a champion.

The cat spirit in the house was basically Circe’s. Maud and I creep around in silence, like an old bachelor and an old maid.

The acceptance of Beautiful Necklaces continues to be a joy and an astonishment to me.

RE from AGMC says he finished NSDL and–

12:35 PM (3 hours ago)
to me, Richard

and my soul wants to imagine the rest of the story.

I read a lot, I have bookcases filled with the husks of tales I have devoured.
This is one of the few that will always be more than an empty husk

I know your voice, your physical voice. I hear it when I recall your incantations of poetry.  I never heard it when listening to the narrator.  How did you do that?

I love that he didn’t hear my voice in the book. It wasn’t me. He also outlined the ways in which he was related by blood to my fictional characters.

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