Thursday, January 2, 2020

January 1, 2020

Early afternoon. Hugely successful party last night, the usual subjects plus a few. I noted about certain travels that a weight of anxiety had come off me, and the same obtained with the yearly NYE party. In the past I’d thought of it as a social duty, something I would be happy I’d done whether in the moment I wanted to do it or not.  Last night I looked forward. I enjoyed my guests. I did not sit in the corner wishing they’d go home. Is this the release of retirement? If so, the University weighed on me far more than I was aware. If it is something else, then welcome whatever it is.  Maria spent a long time with Circe, saying goodby, perhaps. Circe and their boy Alden had special relationship when they came for catsitting.  Russell cried while he described it. Sweet cat will not go unremembered. All cleaned up now. Slept maybe two hours after the party, but made up for it with a lingering late morning nap. First Day bright, clear, warm. Guests arriving last night were greeted by an enormous opossum. I will regard that as a good omen.

Two versions of mushroom soup were brought to the party. Mine was infinitely better.

Resolutions? Part of the gathering of wisdom is to see what is your fault and therefore under your power, and what is not. Most of what’s wrong with me lies in someone else’s court. I could get more exercise. Loins fully girded.

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