Sunday, December 8, 2019

December 7, 2019

Stephen’s invitation for me to stay at his place decided Dublin for me for spring break. The happiness I felt once the decision was made told me it was right. AGMC sang for the Dickens Christmas in Biltmore Village. S had to stop in the middle of the street to rehearse the baritones. One kid said, “Why didn’t they rehearse BEFORE they performed?” His dad put his hand over his mouth, but the kid was right. All part of life’s rich tapestry. Ran into Barry in the bakeshop on the corner. It was a dance of absurdity for us to pretend not to see each other in that little space. Occasionally the tapestry is too rich. Janis said she loved TJ and Linda said the book was a “good read,” but the first detailed response to NSDL comes from Tom. He liked that Charlie dived into the depths. I was happy to have it pointed out to me that he had. Repeatedly I am shown how instinctive my writing is. My theory is that ALL decent writing is instinctive– that’s what I tell my students–but how am I really to know? Organ music from downstairs.

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