Wednesday, December 18, 2019

December 16, 2019

Circe has been under the weather for several days. Took her to the Vet. An infection. $400. But I stopped under the dark sky in the vet parking lot and prayed, “Let this little spirit stay with me a little longer,” and the prayer was answered. I’ve never been to that office when they have not been having a computer crisis. Circe is still angry and won’t come out of the corner. But she was so sweet at the office, pushing her forehead against mine, not squirming when the doctor manhandled her.

Exhausted through the day, sleeping mightily. Foot pain joined for a while by gout, though now all of that ebbs away. . . an interesting amalgam of pain.

The day was warm as summer. I was grateful. Cold would have been the last insult.

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