Friday, December 13, 2019

December 12, 2019

Watched last nights tremendous moon rise before rehearsal, and hit the zenith as I dragged home after cocktails. Beautiful last-month moon, last of the year, last of the decade. I remember lying in bed in my grandmother’s house, hearing from the TV downstairs, “Happy New Year 1960!” knowing that I had lived through a decade, thinking that was a wondrous thing. Now a decade passes and I hardly notice, except to remember a little boy trying to sleep in the bedroom that was his mother’s when she was a little girl.

“Approaching Dollywood” is a finalist for the Tulip Tree Review’s genre contest. Is that a publication? Wait and see.

Actually applied myself to memorizing the music for this concert. Hoping it will make a difference. If my throat is in mucous mode, memory will be no use.

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