Tuesday, December 3, 2019

December 2, 2019

Maud purring on my foot.

Day began in blinding snow, none of which stuck, bright for a while, looking like storm again toward afternoon.

Last day of Enlightenment to Modern, probably the last day forever. I lectured while three of them got up and wandered the hall. No one ever smacked their noses and said “No! No!.” Drove one to a commune (just up the road) after class. She had interviewed to join the commune, one of the attractions of which is free love. I refrained from saying, “the last thing you need is another distraction.”

Cleaning out bookshelves I came across four copies of Timothy Liberty, which I thought was lost, and acting scripts for most of the plays I’ve been in since The Man Who Came to Dinner.

My cheesecake was apparently a hit at the senior reception.

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