Friday, February 1, 2019

January 31, 2019

The day I looked forward to as a “that horrible day” when I could not possibly do what needed to be done is passed, and all things, to some degree, done. I managed, with enormous help from Jhierry and the library staff, to get my show Perimeters set up. Of course the library elevator was out and all the paintings had to be dragged up the stairs. It looks a little too big for the space its in, but it nice to have it there. Whatever people think, I’ll be the last to know. They said I could have a reception on my dime. Stiff and exhausted afterward, taking a long nap with my feet up and dragging myself to chorus rehearsal, where my voice was a cow-like bellow, but I think I learned some notes. Left in exhaustion before Mike taught us the choreography to “One.” Only thought now how that must have looked.

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