Wednesday, February 20, 2019

February 18, 2019

Brilliant lecture on Blake this morning, I think. Turned in my taxes. Wandered around downtown for a while (having found a free parking space and not wanting to waste it), amazed that there was not one thing in the entire city that I wanted to buy, except a cappuccino. Went to the Mall to get an overseas account for my phone, ended up getting a new phone. Garrett Brown sold me the phone, a beautiful man with a five year old son named Cannon. I wanted to be Cannon. Cleaned the litter boxes. De-flead the cats (before they needed it). Napped with Maud on my stomach, to make up for de-fleaing her, which she for some reason hates. Will go to movie night at DJ’s tonight.

Fell into a revery last night where I thought I was retired– dear God, the lightness, the relief. It made me think I’d waited at least a semester, possibly a year too long. I’m committed for next year, but I think “committed” in this case will have some give. Yes, my students still need me, but the reward of that it, these days, goes all one way.  Whatever ties I felt to that institution have turned to air.

Yellow crocus in the lawn, the Lenten rose blooming a little ahead of Lent.

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