Friday, February 15, 2019

February 14, 2019

Rehearsal last night, drinks at the usual, served by the usual. The way we like it. Reading in the Laurel Forum today to honor St. Valentine. I read from Sam-sam, the first time I ever did. Upheaval at school makes me sleepy all the time, for sleep shuts out the harshness and puts me in the paradise of dreams. Last night in dreams I was trying a new kind of art, huge and loose and gestural. I had to get a new studio to do the enlarged work.

Anniversary of the school slaughter in Florida.

Never in my adult life have a received a Valentine card. Have I sent some? Yes. I remember sending flowers to Jo-Jo, and surprising him at his work. Perhaps I remember that every St. Valentine’s Day. Rehearsal tonight for the loathed fundraiser. Word has it that we are sold out.

Taking Invisible Husbands out of mothballs to give it another try. 

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