Tuesday, February 26, 2019

February 25, 2019

Wind howling over the roof in the dark of the morning.

Planted the mulberry outside the fence, in the cold brilliant light.

Jerry’s reading at Malaprop’s for his new book, Paraclete. The writing was quite fine and engaging. Hope the book and he do well. Tracy asked what was all this about my being an enemy of the Trans community, and why has some of it banned together to get me fired. Forced me to post this on FaceBook:

How I regret that things like this need to be done in a community which should be open, honest, and, if nothing else, aware of who their friends are. I have always been and am now a supporter of the Trans community. I have never said anything against the Trans community or any member of it. I have not done so because I am in full support of the community and its aims, or as fully so as I can be without being Trans myself. Anyone who actually knows me would find any doubt about this absurd. My several Trans students find me, or so I hope, absolutely supportive. The notion that I made a statement critical of the trans community is a lie, perpetrated by a liar who announced that she was going to lie and misrepresent deliberately in order to get me “in trouble.”  I corrected her in a matter of fact, and the only way to revenge her absurd pride in this was to pretend that I hold convictions which I do not hold , and broadcast that as widely and as energetically as she could. My credentials as a representative of the LGBTQ community go back 35 years in Asheville, and I dare to presume them impeccable. If anyone wants to discuss this, I am willing and joyful to do so. If anyone wants to continue this slander, know that you are a liar, or at least the dupe of one.

So far, the posting has been met with a flood of support. The last year has been weird for the times I’ve gotten in trouble for things I did not say and for beliefs I do not have. I want to say, “there is something I do which seems to infuriate certain women,” but the other way of putting it is to observe that every time I have been beset with truly vicious and covert misrepresentation, it has been by a woman. Don’t even know what to do with these perceptions, except to hope for the opportunity to forget them. 

Will came over to see if there were a way I could help finance a new house for them, or a rebuild of the old. I think we found a way.

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