Wednesday, August 5, 2015

August 5, 2015

From this room the north–which is my only perspective– seems dark with cloud. Probably a deception.
My leg recovers phase by phase, so that when I rose from my noon nap I was not limping at all, and could feel no trace of tightness or pain in my leg. I do not understand physiology very well. I should think if a condition lingers, the symptoms should too, but this is not the case.
Retrieved my truck from the nursery. The plant ladies seemed genuinely pleased to see me out and about.
Excellent day at the studio, hauling myself up those difficult stairs. Harry called to check on me.  Happy workers were refurbishing a studio a few doors down. It was good listening to their laughter. Painting well as I have been writing well– some block removed, some barrier battered through.

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