Sunday, August 16, 2015

August 16, 2015

Gout enhanced by rather spectacular leg cramps last night. My usual response is to get up, hobble around, screaming profanities and drinking water until the spasms go away. Last night I lay there, calm as I possibly could be, watching the dark while the cramps went through their process. I could feel them passing wave-like from one muscle to another, each muscle responding with a slightly different agony. They did in fact calm and cease. Why? God knows? Went to High Five and studied my lines, but my toe hurt too bad for me to make the trip to school, as I meant to do, to prepare for tomorrow’s lecture. Maybe the pain will lesson as they day goes. Learned that turning the foot so the outside can press hard against the ground allows me to sit for quite a while at relative ease. Early in the day. I may accomplish something yet.

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