Monday, August 24, 2015

August 23, 2015

K and I took in Company at HART. Excellent production of a piece that does not, somehow, get me where I live, but whose cleverness I appreciate. Asheville apparently suffered a deluge while we were at the theater, Kyle reading on his phone about flash floods. The city was indeed sodden– the world was sodden almost t the sidewalks of the theater. People were trapped at Montford Park because the streets around were awash. Good for my garden, anyway.
This evening in 1966 I wrote my first poem. It was the beginning of a life which I have yet to understand.
Good Cantaria rehearsal. New faces which I hope we can retain.
Friend asks for money. With the Market down more than I ever remember it, I don’t know how to satisfy him. Then a check arrives from my old mortgage company for $5900.

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