Friday, May 1, 2015

May 1, 2015

Beltane: shifting light and dark, but every minute too cold. Like high summer in the Ice Age, all the flowers blooming, me in my winter jacket.
I have feeling of unspecified richness, as though the day had been the Day of Days. I will not investigate too far. Feeling physically better than I have in a while.
On a morning drive to and from the Racket Club, I noted how many people actually sped up near on-ramps to prevent me, or someone else, from entering the highway. I counted four. One was very blatant. I watched in the side view mirror as she pressed the gas so I wouldn’t be able to get on 19-23, with three lanes completely open to her left. I pressed my gas and got on anyway. She flashed her lights and shook her fist as she passed. As this was happening eastbound, in the westbound lanes a cop sped up and hugged the right to make a semi hit the brakes as it was trying to enter the Smoky Park Bridge.
Horrific rehearsal at First Presbyterian last night. I sang badly on top of it, surrounded by people singing badly and with no way to catch my note out of the chaos. Steely concentration tonight, I swear. Cantaria’s collaboration sounded like a good idea, but it has turned out to be, for me, labor and stress without compensation of any kind. It shouldn’t take two and a half hours to get through five songs. But did have the best Caesar in the world at King James afterward, and was given a drink. So, fine.

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