Thursday, April 30, 2015

April 30, 2015

At dawn after my workout, wandered the field behind the Racquet Club, which leads to a couple of interesting ditches and a little creek that instantly became a favored place. Battalions of ducks arise from somewhere.

Planted two new roses. Dug up one I thought was dead and saw the tiniest patch of green on the stalk. Replanted it.

Will finish the new/old novel today. Will find a title for it. The first file I have for it is dated 2003, though it must have been in the works long before that. I believe I might have started it at Syracuse. I remember sitting in Oak Hill Cemetery spinning the story out of my mind, though whether I wrote anything down then I do not remember.

Work is “over” and yet there is so much to do I despair of really restful rest. Most of this is activities that sounded good at the time, but turn out to be, to varying degrees, dreadful. I am not one of those who thinks he must be busy to be justified.

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