Monday, May 4, 2015

May 4, 2015

The lamentable anniversary.

Guilio Caccini on Pandora

DJ and I went to see the latest Avengers movie after church. The critics rather undersold it; I enjoyed it. Regretted the loss of so many hours of blazing light, but it looks like today will be a repeat, so all is well. I’d ask God to be a superhero, but seeing how niggardly he is with ordinary life, that would likely be futile. I would be the Covering Cherub.

Sizzling with energy, wondering where to put it first.

Purple water iris and purple Dutch iris in bloom. They may be the same thing. I want the blue tree I saw abloom at Esalen.

Almost unbelievably good coffee from Starbucks this AM. Drink coffee hungry: it’s ambrosia. 

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