Saturday, May 23, 2015

May 22, 2015

Slept my way through the leaden skies to Omaha, where I am now on the campus of the Metropolitan Community College, in housing that was once family housing for a military base. There is no desk, so I type with my knees jammed against a dresser.  Got Handel on Pandora, so the airwaves are well, anyway. The accommodations– well, it’s been a while since I’ve shared a bathroom with a stranger. Reading the printed information is not completely clearing up my uncertainty, so will wait for things to unfold. There is no wine. There is no liquor. I have no transportation. I am, so far, alone in the house.

Nebraska from the air is buff and dun marbled with green. The land is indistinct, as though a wash had been applied over watercolor.

Slept terribly last night, though I hesitate to nap, in case I will be wanting a good solid sleep through this night. The sky is dull yellow.

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