Sunday, May 17, 2015


May 17, 2015

Via Frattini darkening. Heard Will preach this morning at St Paul’s, and he was wise and direct and enlightening. Coming from that baby face it was a little startling. I think his parishioners will think so for a long time. The Spanish priest made the Gospel, et al, a labor. Why didn’t he just say it in Spanish rather than dragging English through the briars? Sweet guest choir from Marymount International Academy. The Tallis was a little beyond the St Paul’s choir’s ability that morning, despite one angelic soprano. Much wandering for me, staggering after a while in inexpressible exhaustion, not wanting to crawl back into this little room. Basilica of St Alphonse (is it?) and St. Charles. I was invited to pray at the relic of the heart of Saint Charles Boromeo, and I did. Felt– something. Maybe he will overshadow me in the night. I am the most credulous, the most faithful of humans. God had to wear his whip arm raw to turn me into the snarling cur of contempt I am.

Still want to be part of the life in the darkening street.

Last glimpse of Tevere through the plane trees.

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