Wednesday, May 6, 2015

May 6, 2015

Contemplating my lack of success in getting people to meet me for coffee. Stephen turns me down in Dublin, inventing a death in the family as an excuse; Jeremy in Omaha replies to the invitation with silence; Lucio in Rome replies to the invitation with silence. I look in the mirror wondering, what?

Last exams, grades turned in, even for those who–as happens imponderably every year–don’t bother to take the final. What are people thinking? Students choose to do one thing rather than another, to fix some personal problem by ignoring class, which is fine, but then they expect there to be no consequences. I think this generation has not been shown actual consequences; everything is forgiven, everything but personal inclination is optional. Yes, each soul is sovereign, but each soul must consider what happens to that sovereignty when it rubs against other souls. The isolated soul is sovereign.

The great blooming is upon us.

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