Tuesday, May 5, 2015

May 5, 2015

Watched a pair of catbirds building their nest in my hollies. The lawnmower had torn up a plastic bag, which I had been too idle to pick up. Glad I didn’t , for the birds chose the right pieces and dragged them into the trees, God having provided a material of amazing durability and malleability.

Second day of fast.

Second day of realizing I need a new keyboard.

Glorious morning at the studio yesterday. Painted in oils Today is 1) waiting for the plumber, and 2) exams. The plumber lady called yesterday to see if they could reschedule because they had an “emergency.” I said no. If they’d had an emergency, they should have been taking care of it right then. Stayed up until 1 listening to old Rock songs on You Tube.

Purple lupines, almost erotic. 

Struck with terrible longing for the swimmer in the Racket Club pool this morning. Very solemn and Nordic.

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