Saturday, January 3, 2009

Savannah 2

December 30, 2008

Rose before the sun and hit the streets in my green sweatshirt. I found the River Road but a block away, and followed that into town. The strangeness which blocked the streets yesterday and forced us to guess our way to the condo was an underground explosion which set fires and blacked out whole city blocks. Savannah exploded at our very approach. Police cars with their flashing lights were still barricading intersections and workers were still digging under blazing arrays of illumination at that hour. Bought coffee at the Express café on Barnard. Walked with my coffee as the town was waking, feeling the old and thrice welcome exultation of the new man on the new street, free, flooded with possibilities. I was happy. Whatever I felt of this venture and this town before, I am now joyful, the tingle of the outdoors still thrilling my bones a little. When I reached home, the sun was rising in orange splendor at the end of Broughton Street.

Steve arrived last night, and salvaged the night with his sweet candor. He drank an elaborate drink at The Pirate’s House, and they gave him a mug shaped like a skull, which I covet.

So far to this day I say “Glory.”

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