Wednesday, January 21, 2009

January 20, 2009

Inauguration Day. My Face Book friends’ notes are all about how happy everybody is for a beginning more pure and total than any of us remembers. I was too young for the Kennedy glow. This is my moment in the politics of joy.

Gilgamesh stepped aside for Barack Obama in my Humanities class today. It was better to be glued to CNN, taking in history as it was made. I did share my observations about the evident differences in governing style between the two men, as proof for my thesis that the human condition really does change. The inaugural poem was disappointing. No, it was actually bad. I expect every poem read tonight in the Humanities Lecture Hall to be miles better.

Fluffy snowflakes directly out of the north.


Kathryn Stripling Byer said...

So glad to hear your assessment of the Inaugural poem. I got myself into a bit of trouble by immediately posting on how disappointing it was and how poorly presented. You can go to your poem post on my blogspot to see what I mean. I too fully expected every poem at the Asheville gathering to be miles better. Never a doubt in my mind. K.

Anonymous said...

Hope Ms. Byer doesn't mind what was said about her in the previous post!