Monday, January 12, 2009

January 12, 2009

Closed on this house ten years ago today. Still seems like a recent acquisition. I consider it a burden unless I’m looking at my flowers.

Rose with a feeling of vitality and eagerness. Either it’s Glasser’s herbs or a simple turn of the wheel. In either case, it’s better to feel better.

Read-through of Titus Andronicus Sunday afternoon, most of which I had to miss because of Cantaria rehearsal. Orated my first oration, then out the door. Merry group, in the midst of whom I am happy to be. Jason had us introduce ourselves by saying name, character, favorite cuss-word. Poor Nathan chose “cunt” as his (and blamed me for using it in The Beautiful Johanna), and no sooner was the word “cunt” out of his mouth than the feminist chorus blasted forth with, “THAT IS NOT A CUSS WORD!” Didn’t know what expression to hold my face in– busting out laughing seemed out of the question.

Ann, Gary, Laura and I recorded our inauguration poems at WCQS this morning. The program is falling together– though there is always a bit of strain to keep it from falling apart. You remember who is needy and who eases along with the flow. Bless WCQS. Barbra stepped from the heights and made this seem a worthy endeavor.

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