Friday, January 16, 2009

January 15, 2009

Furious cold. The windows steam and then freeze.

Met three of my classes, and they seem well. Went to three Titus rehearsals, and I don’t know how it seems at all.

Dream at waking. I was looking for space to rent in Syracuse, along Westcott Street, and found a long, oddly shaped space where Westcott Cordial and the bar used to be in real life, though it faced a street leading into rows of old houses. As I was considering the space, a person known to me appeared with a skinny, silent friend. The skinny silent one was a barber just starting out, and my friend was explaining to me how wonderful it would be if I rented the space to him (free for a while) as a barber shop. We explored the rather complicated space, discussing how to fit it out to best advantage. I think I had decided on the barber shop before the dream ended. The skinny, silent friend was a boy from my poetry class a few years back, who attended seldom, said nothing, and presented intensely (even disturbingly) Christian poems.

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