Thursday, September 19, 2024



September 18, 2024

Waking early of late, in the dark, allowing me the illusion, at least, of great industry before noon. 

Decided to get the front windows repaired and weatherproofed before another winter. A handyman named Will answered the call, compact, burly, grizzled, to me quite attractive. Oddly, maybe because of his attractiveness, I formed the conception that he was a con-man, or dangerous in some way. This concept disturbed me until I looked him up online, and there he was, clearly a handyman with an ordinary life. What signal had I been reading? 

A very tall, thin, very old man came to the door. I guess he was at least 90. His name is Paul. I invited him in but he wouldn’t enter. He said he lives across the street, and wanted to offer himself in case I needed anything. He was not very clear in what he said, but this is what I gathered. He was so tottery I wanted to help him down my treacherous front steps, but he made it on his own. Good neighboring was good neighboring back in his day. 

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