Monday, September 2, 2024


August 28, 2024

Start-back of Symphony Chorus. Sharing music causes agony in my arthritis-y hands. Plus, I get to sit beside the guy who never knows where we are. The universe arranges that to teach me patience. Renewal of my conviction that if you have to explain the same point too many times, you are wrong. 

Video on Facebook of our rehearsal of “All Good People” in Minneapolis. I couldn’t find myself, then realized that I was the guy who I thought was too handsome to be me. A nice moment. The basses were solid. 

Docenting, very few people, could write within the lulls. Never wrote in the Cathedral before. The great-grandfather of one woman (Susan) was a worker on the Biltmore project beginning n 1894. We convinced ourselves he had been in that very room. One couple came from an RV colony in Florida called The Great Outdoors. He asked me to pray with him for his niece, who, as an alcoholic, had fallen and hit her head so many times her brain bleeds and she’s now near death. What he asked me to pray for was that she come to know her Lord and Savior before she dies.

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