Thursday, November 16, 2023

Your Student


November 15, 2023

A nasturtium still puts forth four sun-colored blooms in the shelter of the magnaflora magnolia.

Email: Dr. Hopes,I'm not sure if you'll remember me, though you certainly left your mark on me and my writing some years ago when I took your Intro to Creative Writing at UNCA in the fall of 2017. I recall you, after finding out that I was only 16, talking about the lineage of great prodigies in poetry and saying "there was Ezra Pound, then me, and now I suppose there's you." Since then, I changed my name, chased passions across many state lines, and, after a number of artistic and personal detours, I am finally completing my Bachelor's through Arizona State's online program (graduating in the spring).

I've been looking into applying to the Poetry M.F.A. program at Johns Hopkins, among others. Seeing as you went there, I wondered if you might be willing to let me buy you a meal or a coffee and ask you a few questions about the school and my portfolio.

All the best,


Your Student

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