Wednesday, November 22, 2023



November 18, 2023

Coffee with my ex-student, now craving advice about graduate school and Johns Hopkins. I didn’t recognize the student at first because in 2017 he was a boy and now she is a girl. The name changed too, but as she didn’t remind me of it, I assumed all that had been left behind. Some research revealed it was R. Trans-sexuality baffles me, but one doesn’t know what questions one is permitted to ask. He was a beautiful, Grecian boy. She is a rather alarming woman, the face too broad and too like porcelain. The Goth look adds to the alarming affect. He always preferred girls, so a transition makes him a lesbian. This is so odd to me that I must conclude it’s ignorant to think that sexual preference has anything to do with trans-sexuality. She said that the hyper-masculinity of the LA rock scene turned her off so much she decided to go as far the other direction as possible. Is that it? An aesthetic choice? One might have stopped at androgeny. The poems she showed me made better sense when I went online and looked up the band he used to front in LA. The person in those videos was dynamic, torch-y, elfin, passionate, Olympian, every inch a star. I’m not sure an MFA program is the turn I would have recommended for that extraordinary soul, but the journey is not mine. 

The lady at the Woodfin liquor store related at some length the false charges to her Amazon debit card. 

Cooked venison for the first time, in a stew. Venison relates to vegetables in a whole different way from pork and beef. 

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