Friday, November 3, 2023

 November 3, 2023

The pilot is out in my gas heater in the studio and I don’t know how to light it. Moved an electric space heater up, but it’s insufficient. Two heaters flip the breaker switch. So the one heater is positioned roughly in the middle where it provides a pool of warmish air that I can move into and out of in my work. Cold has come upon us. The flowers I can see from the windows are gone.

Counted last night that S can chatter at least six different directives or repetitions or half-jokes between the time she calls for pitches and when we actually sing. K is generally only two or three. I wonder what they teach in director school. 

Huge revision of A God in the Waters. It worries me sometimes that I’m so easy about detours from the Original Vision. Was the Original Vision so weak? Or is it broad enough to accommodate re-interpretation? I think Vision is a door suddenly open onto a whole landscape, in which there can be much wandering. 

Painted, after several weeks. 

Unexpectedly did some major gardening, spading up waste places and planting grape hyacinth, daffodil, crocus. A new carton of bulbs arrived in the mail.

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