Thursday, May 25, 2023


May 25, 2023

Lunch with B. He’s a fascinating meal companion for his wide range of interests and his deep knowledge of several, notably history, politics, and women. We can have rich exchange on three of them. He remembers with perplexity when women wanted to serve him. I think, but never say, that the perplexity is unnecessary. When I first met him he was so handsome and low-down sexy in a purring, Southern way, that I don’t know how anybody could resist him. I didn’t. 

Medications all worked out– expensive, but worth it if they work. 

Not too ghastly rehearsal, except for the announcement that we “have to do ‘YMCA’ at GALA, because it’s such a crowd-pleaser.” I say the point is to create crowd-pleasers rather than to depend on them. Doing trash like that will save me the journey to GALA next summer. 

Extreme pain of the last few days lifted miraculously (which is to say, with nothing being different in my life so far as I could see) and I felt new all day. 

Weeded. Sent out manuscripts. Letting a painting slowly evolve. 

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