Sunday, May 7, 2023



May 3, 2023

Biggest garden day ever. The shade garden on the west side is practically clear and practically planted. Coral bells, dicentra, a fragrant white rose called Desdamona, yarrow and milkweed in the sun. The wind blew a giant bamboo over on my cedar, and was interfering with its crown. Sawed if off, then had 40' of green bamboo to deal with. 

Sudden remembrance of Colors in the Dark, the first play I saw at Hiram, whose inventiveness and– I think– strangeness made me want to participate. L impersonated a swan. K gave the line “Ich bin ein Canadienisher Frau,” which everybody thought was funny. It was probably clunky and forgettable, but I have not forgotten it, and to me it was magic. 1968. 

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