Thursday, May 25, 2023


May 24, 2023

Linda arrived yesterday, and we hiked around Lake Powhatan as much as my one-two punch of gout and fasciatus would allow. It was boring for me to be limping and ouching all the time. She brought a comforter (is that what you call it? An Afghan?) her friend made out of my old T-shirts. It is unexpectedly nostalgic and elegant. Watched Atlantis (the 1961 movie) and remembered seeing it with dad when it was new. 

Off to annual check-up today. A new doctor-in-charge changed my bp medicine and assigned a whole new regime for gout, saying that the new medicine would not only help the gout but flush away the constant inflammation that I must be feeling, and do in fact feel. The bp medicine (to cure something the effects of which I’ve never felt) came through, but the gout medicine (to address something that causes me actual pain and compromises quality of life) got tangled up somehow. Of course. Will pursue tomorrow. 

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