October 24, 2022
Dropped the ball journal-wise. Rode with DJ to see closing night, and it was very gratifying. The actors were primed and energized, and the audience was with us. I hadn’t realized how funny the play is until the audience showed me the laugh lines. The girl two down from me–I’m told she’s a stalwart on the local stage–laughed so that I worried for her health. The big surprise is that A handed me my check as I left and it was for over $400. Assuming that everybody involved gets the same, that is an unusual haul for local theater. I suppose so, anyway. Compliments all around, at least some of which must have been thoughtful and genuine. I was content. I do not say that after every production.
J and L took me to dinner last night to thank me for the gift of my truck. Rye Knot’s root mash is sublime.
Climbed the steps this AM to add a few strokes to my painting and work on the revision of Frankenstein that the production has inspired me to do. I considered how happy I am snuggled up here in my little alcove of creativity.
Bears dragged debris into the back yard last night. Cleaning that up, and tearing out frozen cosmos and sunflowers must be on the to-do list today, or at least this week.
Melody has put a for sale sign in front of her house.
Retrieved my huge old easel from storage I thought it wouldn’t fit under the ceiling, but it does.
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