October 3, 2022
Vivid, penetrating dream about adopting a son. The longing I felt for him, and the sudden confidence I had that I could do it, were not dream emotions, but hard, immediate, hurtful. I wondered why I received such a confirmation long after I could really have attempted such a thing.
Signed over my cobalt pick-up to Leland. When I went out that evening I realized it was the first time since February, 2014, that no vehicle sat in my driveway.
Went to the Grail movie house where they were showing the 1931 Frankenstein. Katie and I were to speak to the audience about my, related, play, and I read a little of it. Realized I had never seen the movie (though most of its sequels) so I stayed and watched. Good film. Like its partner, The Wolf Man, compact and speedy. Fritz the Henchman the most unexpected character.
Had canned wine. Will never have it again.
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