Thursday, June 9, 2022

 June 8, 2022

My dreams thought today was Graduation Day. Part of the dream was leaving my roommates, with whom I’d been sharing a ramshackle apartment high up in some building. I wondered if we’d keep in touch. I crept away to hide in my grandfather’s house on Hampton Road– a frequent place of dream resort, now that I think of it. It had a vast wooden door to the basement, which I couldn’t quite close. But I figured if no one had broken in yet, no one would. I tried to remember if I’d told my parents about graduation, wondering if they’d go and expect me to be there. I wondered if my brown winter jacket would do since I had failed to rent a gown. 

All charges against former Governor Cuomo have been dropped, and yet his political career is over. I’m not finding justification for this, and am confused. 

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