Tuesday, May 10, 2022



May 10, 2022

Spring returns. At the bottom of my drive I met a surveyor who was looking for my property line. I told him I had never been anything but approximate about it myself. He said that Ingles owns or is acquiring not only the shopping center down the hill but all the houses around me except one or two, and one has come up for sale, which it wants. He showed me what Ingles owns, and I am surrounded by it. It looks like expansion to me, perhaps a giant shopping center, though the surveyor said they just like to have all the land around their stores “to keep their options open.” Maybe some day they’ll offer me a sick sum to add my little lot to the program. Maybe by then I’ll be too feeble to care about the garden. 

Finished the book I am now calling Orpheus, Upholder. Bad title, but much the least bad I have thought of yet.

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