Saturday, May 28, 2022


May 27, 2022

Began the day in the garden, dead-heading roses, chopping bamboo, weeding, weeding, weeding. It was a good time.

More information comes from Uvalde. The worst (worse beyond all worst) is that many armed policeman stood in the hall outside the tragic classroom biding their time while still-living children called 911 from inside, desperately begging for help. Cowards. Cowards. Cowards. A teacher threw herself at the gunman to protect her children while heavily armed cowards waited outside for enough more heavily armed cowards to make any action safe. I choked on my own bile after January 16; I am doing so again tonight. In any case, so much for the theory that armed “good guys” are any defense against armed “bad guys.” I wish I had the power to strike across the face anyone uttering those words. 

C responded to yesterday’s outline for gun control : “As a gun owning woman who has feared for her life, as every woman does at some point , I wholeheartedly agree with you David, but I'd simplify... I'd take guns away from men. All of them. That could work, too. For now I'll keep mine because: men.” I opened my mouth but nothing came out. I could not fault her. It is horrifying. 

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