Tuesday, May 10, 2022


May 9, 2022

Freezing and bitter in the morning, lush and vernal by the afternoon. 

Coffee at Grind in the River District with F, an exuberant monologist. Learned about his various and exciting career in the church and at tennis. I think the interview was basically to pick my brains about what to do with King David now that it has been performed. He imagines a run on Broadway, and thinks of it as a musical rather than, as I do, as a reasonable person would, an oratorio. The suggestions I had were predicated on its being good, which it isn’t, but he shouldn’t let that stop him from trying to find a place for it in the great world. He read CMW and remarked it was lucky for me to have know since the beginning what I wanted to do with my life. Indeed, it was.  “Privilege” radiates from him every second, but to his credit he realizes and admits it. 

Getting back in touch with DB from Johns Hopkins. He said I was the “most elusive” grad student that year. I suppose I was. Maybe then I knew why, but I don’t now. Maybe those who know me would think me elusive to this day. I’m too elusive to ask.

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