Thursday, February 17, 2022


 February 16, 2022

Noble Renaissance on the CD player. Maud jammed, rumbling, between my chest and the keyboard. 

Had my hair cut by Marco. Marco is from the Dominican Republic, and dreams of going back when he retires. Facilities and prices are going up so fast, he says, that the DR is destined to be the next Dubai. He and his wife divide their time between Asheville and Sarasota. Marco believes that the country is in trouble because 1) everybody is angry at everybody else and 2) it gives so much away (specifically COVID relief) that people will not be encouraged to work for themselves. He returned his own COVID checks to the Treasury. He made a pilgrimage to the replica Noah’s Ark and Creation Museum in Kentucky, one of the high points of his life. Astonished that one man so long ago could build all that in the time God gave him. “And without power tools,” I added. He agreed. He fled Kentucky pretty fast, though, because everyone there was depressed and had no happiness in their lives.

Melody across the street had an ambulance visit her. I don’t think they took her away.  

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