Friday, February 11, 2022

 February 11, 2022

Return to AGMC rehearsal last night, toward the end of lip-synching to recorded music on our “float” for the Mardi Gras Parade. I will make my excuses. S says our summer concert will be “madrigals” sung at the Montford Park amphitheater. It sounds delicious, though I wonder if she and I mean the same thing by “madrigals.” Probably too good to be true. The first forty minutes of rehearsal was chatter; the rest was music that I 1) hate or 2) have no interest in singing. “Ikko Ikko” is fun. That’s the end of it. Sat in Brueghers writing a children’s book. I’ll look soon to see if there was anything to it. Went to Barnes & Noble to spend a gift card, sank into depression because, of course, no book of mine lay on the shelf. Existential doubt is so exhausting you leave it when you can, even if it hasn’t run its course. 

Drove to Lake Powhatan, where geese clamored on the waters, but almost nothing else seemed to be abroad. Brilliant sky, temperature tolerable. Drinks with SS in the evening. We are each, in some areas, the other’s only refuge.

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