Friday, February 4, 2022

Brigid of Kildare


February 2, 2022

A movie version of The Green Knight with DJ and RT last night. Largely beautiful, sometimes odd, finally wilful. Artists are misled when convinced that their own intention is sovereign. 

Delivery Chinese gave me a monumental flux, which made 3:30 AM an interesting time. Ended up laundering a giant comforter. The spin cycle did not work right, and I had to drag the sopping thing to the porch to let it drip dry enough to slop into the dryer. But the temperature sat below freezing, so there I am wringing the thing out by hand before it froze, my clothes wet, my hands numb. It’s in its second go-round in the dryer. Homage to Saint Brigid, the patron of days that start bad and end up better. 

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