Thursday, July 29, 2021



July 28, 2021

Some madness (or a sale) led me to order roses in the summer. They arrived yesterday. I searched this morning until I found a hardware/nursery that opened at 8 AM (Tractor Supply). I loaded soil and mulch into my truck, dug the plot, planted, fertilized, mulched the four mysterious roses, unloaded the truck of the extra bags, showered, and was done with all that by 10. To this I owe my renewed stamina. I don’t know how it went and how it came back, but as I endured the one I will rejoice in the other.

The back garden exploded unplanned with four o’clocks and sunflowers that came up from plantings of years gone by. 

Dmitry Selezenv on You Tube. I want to be him, or marry him. I have his low notes, and then some, but I don’t look handsome when I’m hitting them. 

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