Sunday, July 18, 2021



July 12, 2021

From The Adirondack Review:

The Adirondack Review <>

Sun, Jul 11, 11:25 PM 

Dear David

I'm pleased to inform you that your poem "Red-Shouldered Hawk" has been accepted for publication and will appear in the Fall 2021 issue. Additionally, "Big Crow, Little Tree" will appear in the Winter 2021 issue. Thank you for your interest in The Adirondack Review.


Lexie Slotterback

Associate Poetry Editor

Something rattling around in the laundry niche this morning. Imagination made it an opossum or a racoon, though it was probably a mouse. I’m living in a rain forest.

Fledgling towhees twittering in the lilacs, trying out their frst bold TWEETs

Arrive at the window in time to see Denise scoop a tiny mammal off the driveway. I hope it was this morning’s mouse visitor.

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