Tuesday, September 15, 2020


September 14, 2020

Muscle spasm (rare nowadays) woke me last night, and in a moment of confusion I thought I was at the beach. I went the wrong way looking for the kitchen, and tiptoed for fear or waking the others.

Another productive day of ripping up vines. Maybe next year the garden will be exactly the way I want it.

The letter about my emeritus status arrived, appreciative, familial, a little laurel wreath set upon the end of those days. It mentions “the esteem of your colleagues.” I do note all this because I left there with such resentment in my heart. A variety of scenarios present themselves. The likeliest is that the whole harassment scandal was never anything to them, just a path they had to go down once a certain gate was opened. Perhaps an apology. Perhaps thanks that I did not go down the route of a lawsuit, which if nothing else would have made certain liars public rather than covert and protected. In any case, I will do my best to insure that is the end of it, that someday I stop arguing with people who are not there to argue back, about issues maybe nobody but I will ever recall.

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