Tuesday, September 15, 2020

 September 15, 2020

DJ warned us that he felt feverish. I myself have had digestive issues since the beach, and so venticelli become the a great wind breathing the word Covid. DJ thought not, and I think not (for one thing, I’m better today), but one’s thoughts go back to times when some maskless person came too close, or that time when hunger and weariness led us to eat inside the bar rather than waiting for an outside table. Cancelled my appointment with Zach, imagining bringing the virus to his wife and children and clients without knowing. 

Excellent issue of Vanity Fair, in which the events of Black Lives Matter are told like a folk chronicle, almost. It looked different to black people than it did to us. For us it was “Omigod, there really IS a problem.” For them it was “Still? This must be the end, no matter what.”

Dim, threatening day outside. We’re told it’s not the latest hurricane, but it looks like it.

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