Thursday, September 24, 2020



September 24, 2020

Trump refuses to commit to a peaceful transition of power, declaring (already) that the only legitimate outcome is a victory for him. So far as I know, this is unique in American history. It becomes clearer now why he’s anxious to pack the Bench with his choices, assuming that a contested result would go to the Supreme Court. As a naive boy I would have assumed even the suggestion of such a thing was an admission of treasonous intent. Some evil magic surrounds this president. He has survived 10,000 blunders each of would have sunk anyone else who ever held that office. A simple explanation is the determined collusion of the Republican Party, but that is another mystery. In the past, there have been at least a few persons of conscience even among the unconscionable. Does Trump hold a lien on all their houses? Does he have incriminating videos? Is the desire to hold onto power so great that a part would gladly destroy a nation in order to do so?

Facebook overruns with ways in which Trump could steal or invalidate the election. Nothing these days is inconceivable, as such things once were. 

Breonna Taylor’s murder goes unjustified because no one has the courage to challenge the sovereign right of the cops to take life with impunity. Incalculable thousands believe that a cop should have the right to shoot you dead if you do not obey his orders, however corrupt or illegal they are. Incalculable thousands have never experienced the event they insist on having opinions about. 

Sent a query to a long-time publisher of gay material, who said he’s getting out of the business, but gave me a list of 4 or 5 other places to try. Every one of them is out of business or not accepting manuscripts until such-and-such a time. 

It is the worst of times but not, for anybody I know, the best of times. Maybe I’ll sink back into Middlemarch.

Napped. Woke with the first movement of Brahms’ 4th on the radio. One ray of light.

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