Friday, November 8, 2019

November 7, 2019

Spent the day cleaning up the yard for winter, putting away tools, disconnecting hoses, cleaning the pond, digging little holes for unplanted bulbs or bulbs dug up by squirrels. The roses haul through, defiant of freeze. The official announcement of MT plays for next year hurts me, though I already knew I would not be on the list. The difference was that when K said she wanted to give other people a try, I assumed she meant people who might DESERVE a try. This is not the case. A political rather than an artistic decision. D showed me a play once, which at the time was chaotic but beautiful. If that is his chosen piece, it might be an exception. It’s like someone taking down your painting to put up the third grade drawings she just removed from the refrigerator. You understand it, but have committed to a world in which it cannot be countenanced.

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