Tuesday, November 26, 2019

November 26, 2019

Woke at 2 AM (the odd Tuesday ritual) took a sip of cold lemonade and was instantly transported to the wonderland of chest pain. Wrong side, breathing unaffected, and in other ways didn’t seem like a heart attack, so I waited, and it went away. Was it a very deep muscle spasm occasioned by the sudden cold? It came again when I rose before 6, and I drove first to the university health center and then to MAHEC, but all the doors were locked, as it was still dark, dark morning. Passed by Mission Emergency because I didn’t want to get into that mess, and was convinced by that time it wasn’t a heart attack. It went away again. Must be spasms. It’s always something new, isn’t it?

Somber day, finally. Listening to Samuel Barber. Deciding what to write.

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